- It takes a milion years for a glass bottle to degrade. Every tonne of recycled glass saves over one tonne of raw materials like sand and limestone. Which means less damage to countryside, less pollution, valuable energy savings and less global warmings.
- It takes between 10 and 17 trees to make one tonne of paper - enough for only 7,000 copies of a national newspaper. Ask for recycled paper for your homework and your letters. Choose carefully. Some recycled papers use more harmful chemicals like bleach than 'new' paper. Expect that your recycled paper may not look quite so good!
- It takes 450 years for a plastic bottle to degrade. Recycling just one plastic bottle can save the same amount of energy needed to power a 60 watt light bulb for six hours.
- About 34,000 tonnes of aluminium foil packaging is wasted each year. Seven countries consume nearly 60 per cent of all the aluminium in the world. Recycling an aluminium can saves 95 per cent of the energy needed to make a new one and 99 per cent less emissions than when it is produced from raw materials.
Aluminium can be recycled time and time again without loss of quality.
Metal cans go back a hundred years. They were developed at Napoleon's instructions, to keep food for his soldiers on the march. Napoleon's cook experimented with stoppered bottles; then tried steel cans, lined with tin which did not corrode.
The can was a great success. But it was a long time before anyone invented the can opener. In the meantime, people opened cans with chisels.
Cans are light and convenient for single servings. They can be made of aluminium or steel and both of these materials are easy to recycle. Aluminium cans go into can banks. Steel cans can be recycled out of normal household rubbish too. Some councils use huge magnets to separate the steel cans from the household mixed rubbish for recycling.