The Planet Nature

My planet, that does concerm me! A blog to travel, learn, respect and preserve our planet.

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Location: France

I am a lover of nature, an eco-citizen. All Informations come from different sites like WWF, Nationalgeographic, Ushuaïa Nature, etc...from all those who fight to preserve our beautiful planet.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Reefscape in the Sea Red, The Brothers islands ( Egypt )

  • An estimated 10% of the world's corals have been degraded beyond recovery. More than 60% of the world's reefs could be destroyed within 50 years.
  • The global fishing fleet is 2,5x larger than what the oceans can sustainably produce;
    75% of the world's fisheries are classified as "fully" or "over-exploited"

  • Unfair "Access Agreements" means rich countries are taking fish from poor countries.
  • At least 25% of all fish caught is by-catch; Annually, 30 million metric tons of this by-catch is being thrown over the side of fishing boats, dead or dying.
    In the Mediterranean, over 60,000 turtles are caught annually in fishing gear. One industry source estimates1300 fishing vessels of significant size are flying flags of convenience (ie, ships which are likely to be involved in contravening international and local fishing policies, guidelines and protected areas) .
  • Chemicals painted on the sides of ships can directly poison marine life and/or cause chronic disease, reproductive failure, or deformities.
    More oil reaches the sea each year from sources such as leaking cars than was released by the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
  • Poorly thought out industrial scale aquaculture can lead to the severe destruction of marine habitats


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